Professional Company photos, Image photos, Portraits or Press photos are mostly used by companies for Print media, Press releases, Annual reports or Internet pages utilised.
We take special portraits of the managing director and the employee, as well as photos of meetings, services, buildings, business premises or the production of companies. I work as a professional photographer in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area (Lower Rhine and Ruhr region).
It is important to us that entrepreneurs, managing directors, senior executives and other employees Natural and friendly be photographed. We therefore often photograph people for press photos against a neutral background and/or in their natural business environment, with reference to the product, service or company logo. It is very important to photograph you, your directors and employees in such a way that confidence, dynamism and expertise come across in the photo. And that is exactly what we do really well photographically.
Your company photos, portraits of managing directors, portraits of employees are also available on request. digital in highest resolution with the Rights of use for the Internet, for print media, press publications and other possibilities.
The photos shown here were taken for the company Bofrost* and are used for the House magazine and for Press releases used. We would like to thank Bofrost* for releasing the portraits (
These image photos were taken for a managing director in the property/architecture/renovation/financing consultancy sector from Cologne:
Another example of company photos Düsseldorf (portraits and photos over one day in the company) >>
Telephone photographer Peter Roskothen 0 21 58 40 40 62 or by form:
"What really makes a photographer is more than just technical skill, it's more than just switching on a radio. It has something to do with the power of intention."
Linda McCartney, photographer
Tip Image photos Company photos Portrait photography
I photograph portraits for companies both nationally and internationally using the latest camera equipment, state-of-the-art image processing and calibrated monitors, digital cameras and lots of experience. I help your employees with small instructions on posing, etc.. This is the only way to turn your portrait photos of employees into natural, lively and valuable photos.
I photograph your company photos in Düsseldorf Kaarst Neuss Mönchengladbach Viersen Krefeld Kempen Grefrath Nettetal Wesel Moers Geldern Duisburg Oberhausen Essen and many more cities in NRW.