Couple photo course - photo training for couples

The couple photography course is just right for couples who love taking photos. This exclusive photo course for couples is great fun:

Photo course, photo school, Roskothen photo school, couple photo course

The special couple photography course

If you have your Share your photography hobby and even better learning of photography then my photo course for couples. Taking photos together is great fun, as you can talk about the photos and the technique.

Every couple knows this: time after work is very short. Whether you have children or not, there is not much time left for hobbies and other activities. That's why it's all the nicer when you have a shared hobby that you love on holiday and in your other free time.

The perfect couple photography course: two people with a trainer

I have now developed the perfect couples photography course for you. There are only two of you on the photo course for couples and you both learn how to take better photos. This includes technique, know-how and a photo excursion together.

Exclusive photo training for couples - the advantages

While in a group photo course there are usually three underchallenged and three overchallenged (equalling 6 dissatisfied participants), in the photo course for couples you are only together with me, photographer and photo trainer Peter Roskothen, and learn what you want to learn.

The advantages of the photo course for couples at a glance

  • Only two participants plus photo trainer
  • Exactly your Camera get to know
  • Common Expertise stays better in your head
  • Exclusive Photo excursion with the trainer
  • Own Photo shoot of your choice in consultation with the photo trainer
  • Intensive course Learn to photograph intensively in a very short time
  • Sharing a hobby is great fun. Tips for two photographers.

Which camera do we need?

Digital cameras overview, Roskothen Photo School

No matter what brand or type of camera you have, we have time to go into the functions of your digital camera. You can learn with an iPhone, compact camera, system camera or SLR. In a couple's photography course, it would be ideal if each of you has your own camera.

Photo course advantage Free choice of datesWhat dates do you offer?

One of the great advantages of my couple photography courses is the Free choice of dateswhich is only agreed with me. This means you can learn at a time that suits you best.

How much does the couple photography course cost?

You can get the prices for the photo course for couples by simply calling me or filling out the form below. Both are very quick:

Professional photographer Peter RoskothenTelephone photo trainer Peter Roskothen 0 21 58 40 40 62 or:

f8beca5d02054b5787562d89a67be41d - Couple photography course - Photo training for couples

    We would like to get to know our digital camera better
    We would like to know more about depth of field
    We would like to learn portrait photography
    We would like to learn about nature photography
    We would like to take better photos in the house
    We would like to take better photos with flash
    We would like to take more beautiful photos on holiday
    We would like to find my photos more easily
    We would like to keep my photos safe
    Other interest

    We are non-bindingly interested in:

    Prices photo course for couples
    Gift voucher photo training

    Should it be a private or business training course?

    Private photo trainingBusiness photo training


    Your first name

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    © Peter Roskothen is a professional photographer & photo trainer - Couple photo course - Exclusive photo training for couples

    1 Kommentar

    1. We had our long-awaited couple photography course with Mr Roskothe on Saturday and are still totally thrilled. Mr Roskothen radiates an uncanny calm that I have rarely experienced. He is an absolute professional, imparts his knowledge skilfully and was able to switch quickly between the two camera systems we were using. We can only warmly recommend this course to anyone and it certainly won't have been the last for us either.

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